Pieter Friedrich


I’m a US-based independent journalist and author specializing in analysis of current and historical affairs in South Asia, with a focus on the issue of India’s Hindu nationalist movement and its influence on sociopolitical events in America.

“Friedrich is the only independent investigative journalist in the US to doggedly track every American politician and political event with connections to the transnational networks of the militant Hindu outfit, the RSS.” 
— Dr. Sruti Bala
“Friedrich’s work in cautioning the West against this [Hindu nationalist] threat is pioneering and remarkable.”
— Dr. John Dayal
“Friedrich is an outspoken and vilified campaigner against Hindutva.”
— Dr. Edward Anderson

About Pieter

I engage with human rights issues arising from various forms of nationalism and supremacism, such as state-sponsored atrocities, foreign interference, and transnational repression. My cover article in India’s Caravan magazine made me the first journalist to begin systematically exposing the global networks of India’s Hindu nationalist movement.

My articles have appeared in AntiWar.com, Caravan, Middle East Eye, Mondoweiss, The Quint, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, The Wire, and elsewhere. I’ve authored four books (and several booklets), some of which are translated into Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and more.

I’ve been cited in Catholic News Agency, The Chicago Sun-Times, The Chicago Reader, Deutsche Welle, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, French Radio InternationaleHarper’s, The Hindu, The Hindustan Times, The Intercept, Jewish Currents, MSNBC, Newsweek, The New York Post, ThePrint, Religion News Service, San Jose Insider, SlateUnited Methodist News, and elsewhere. I’ve also been featured in Christianity Today, The Washington Post, and an Arte documentary

I’ve spoken alongside and/or been cited by parliamentarians from Australia, Germany, and the UK. I’ve lectured at many universities, including Columbia University, James Madison University, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, UNC Charlotte, and more. I’m a regular speaker at briefings on US Capitol Hill and forums at the United Nations. As an advocate for religious liberty and interfaith cooperation, I’ve spoken at churches, gurdwaras, mosques, and viharas.

I serve as a principal of the Religious Nationalisms Project.

I am a recipient of the 2023 “Appreciation Award” from the National Association of Asian Indian Christians.

Born in California, I’ve lived at length in both Europe and Asia. I enjoy reading, hiking, international travel, museums, history, and deep friendships. I’m a member of the Orthodox Church in America.

Contact me at pieterjfriedrich [at] gmail [dot] com.